I have found Git to be the best code repository I’ve used in time as a web developer. I’ve made a list of some Git commands that I have found useful. Many of these I’ve added aliases to configs to improve my workflow.
I’ll update this list as and when I get time
Editing Your Config
- global: git config –global –edit
- local: git config –local –edit
Deleting Branches
- from remote: git push origin :<branchname>
- from local: git branch -D <branchname> (the -D will force it)
Working With Another Branch
- show the file list: git ls-tree -r origin/<branch name> <path to file>
- show the file contents: git show origin/<branch name>:<path to file>
- copy a file: git show origin/<branch name>:<path to file> > <path to move file to>
Working With Merges
- show branches merged into a specific branch: git branch -a -v –merged <branch name>
- as above but add name filter: git branch -a -v –list <filter wildcard> –merged <branch name>
Listing Branches Using Refs
- Details of all branches: git for-each-ref –sort=committerdate –format=’%(color:cyan)%(committerdate:short)%(color:white) ,%(color:green)%(refname:short)%(color:white) ,%(color:yellow)%(authorname)’
This was really useful! Thank you